Interested In Funding Property Through MyBrix?

MyBrix is now taking applications for funding from Property Owners, the first step is a Property Assessment

If you just want information and don’t want to start the process of requesting funding as yet, register you interest using this form.
There is no obligation created by registering your interest, it just lets us know how many investors we need to onboard and satisfy the initial demand.
MyBrix will revolutionise the way properties are funded in Australia, so register your interest today and potentially be one of the first in Australia to be part of our ground breaking property funding model.


Revolutionising property ownership and investment

Our mission at MyBrix is to empower homeowners to unlock the value of their property in a unique and innovative way. 

We strive to provide a win-win solution for both homeowners and investors by offering access to No Interest and No Repayment funding, while providing investors with the opportunity to invest in a secure and profitable asset.

Take control of your property and your investments and live the life you want
