Understanding Brix Discounting is Important for Owners

Brix discounting by Property Owners is an important aspect of attracting initial Investors to participate in funding a property and is fundamental to the financial model that attracts Investors to the MyBrix Platform.

Brix discounting is how MyBrix is able to offer Property Owners No Interest and No Repayments for a 10 year period.

When Property Owners are provided with funding via MyBrix they sell Brix to Investors at a discounted price, this discount reduces the amount of equity the Property Owner will have in the sales or rental proceeds of that property. This discount is to provide access to No Interest and No Repayments for up to 10 years.

The discount that is applied means that Property Owners need to sell more Brix in their property than if they were undiscounted. The likely range of equity loss (in the future sales or rental proceeds of that property) through discounting is between 3% and 10% (excluding any MyBrix fees and charges).

The exact amount will be based on the value and use of the property (eg Owner Occupied or Rental) as well as the amount of equity the Property Owners has immediately prior to MyBrix funding. The more equity the Property Owners currently have the less equity, as a percentage of total equity, they will lose.

Use the calculator below to work out the discounts that will be applied to the Brix in your property to attract investors on the MyBrix Platform.

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